Study visit Kortrijk 2005

Study visit Kortrijk 2005 | Study visit Kortrijk 2005 1 | Study visit Kortrijk 2005 2  


Between the 11-14th of October 17 representatives from the City of Mölndal - led by Mr.Bengt Odlöw, the Mayor of the city - made a study visit to our Belgian partner city Kortrijk. Politicians and servicemen unanimously agreed, that the visit gave a great inspiration to both working together within the VISP project but also for the start up co-operation in new areas.

The leaflet produced after the visit is in Swedish and informs mainly about the people involved and the places visited. But what is most important: the memories taken home and the common values discovered and shared, resting in the heart of all participants. And the results will come during the years ahead....

Thank You all of You in Kortrijk who were our host during the study visit!

Eva Fabry, VISP Project Manager

Download: studieresa_kortrijk_2005.pdf