Documents of the EU Stakeholders Conference "Territorial Cohesion and the Lissabon Strategy" 2006


The EU Stakeholdersconference on Territorial Cohesion and the Lisbon Strategy that took place in Amsterdam on Wednesday 28th of June 2006. The conference has achieved the main goal it had set out to do, namely to keep the territorial dimension of EU policy on the political agenda whilst continuing the exchange of new ideas and experiences.

Some of the key presentations and interventions:

  • Mr. Peter Mehlbye, Director of ESPON: Presentation: the EU territorial structure in the light of Lisbon: identifying urban and regional potentials and challenges for trans-European integration - Peter_Mehlbye_ESPON_2006.pdf
  • Mr. Alexander Sakkers, Mayor of Eindhoven: Presentation:
    Exploiting the "territorial capital" of Eindhoven including the ambitions of Eindhoven-Leuven-Aachen as a transnational top technological EU region - Brainport-Eindhoven.pdf
  • Mr. Francesc Santacana, coordinator Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan:
    Presentation: The case of Barcelona as a region that is not 'high-tech' in the narrow Lisbon sense but still innovative and competitive - Barcelona_Region_2006.pdf
  • Mr. Adriaan Schout, European Institute of Public Administration/Clingendael:
    Presentation: Territorial policy integration: a governance perspective - TPI.pdf
  • Sir Albert Bore, Member of the Birmingham City Council: Presentation: The impact of EU policies on territorial development in a big metropolis, the case of Birmingham  - Birminghams-Renaissance.pdf

  • Mr. Herwig van Staa, Governor of Tirol Presentation:
    The impact of EU policies on territorial development in a mountain region, the case of Tirol - Case-of-Tirol.pdf.