The economy of culture and creative industries in Europe


In 2006 the present study on 'The economy of culture in Europe' was prepared for the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture). It is a first for Europe. Never before has there been an attempt to assess the economic and social value of the cultural and creative sectors.

The report is intended to help the EU harness the economic and social power of the cultural and creative sectors. The study was managed by KEA European Affairs (KEA), a Brussels based consultancy which specialises in the cultural, media and entertainment industries sectors. Its research department is experienced in conducting a wide range of studies related to copyright, rights management, trade in cultural goods, regulatory impact assessment and Europe wide comparative analysis. For the assign-ment KEA set up and managed a consortium composed of Media Group, which part of the Turku School of Economic and Business Administration in Finlandand and  MKW Wirtschaftsforschung GMbH.

 The study considers the contribution of the creative & cultural sector to European growth and cohesion in the context of Lisbon and it aims to address the lack of economic visibility in the cultural & creative sector of the EU. It is divided into five chapters:

  1. Background and context of the economic and social assessment - chapter_1.pdf
  2. The scope of the economy of culture – delineation of the cultural and creative sector - chapter_2.pdf
  3. Mapping out the economy of culture in figures - chapter_3.pdf
  4. The indirect and non quantifiable contribution to the Lisbon Agenda - chapter_4.pdf
  5. A strategy for a creative Europe - chapter_5.pdf

The Executive_summary.pdf 

