Információs szolgálat
Egyedek: 1 - 20
Back to Work - Retravailler
Sandra bellier, 31, rue de Buzenval , F-75020 Paris
Bureau for Gender Equality, Prefecture Magnesia
Maria Kouzoglou, Prefecture Administrative of Magnesia-Iolkou St. and Analipseos, GR-38221 Volos
CEIN -Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovacion de Navarra
Polígono Industrial Mocholi 31110 Noáin (Navarra)
Civil Regionális Társulás
5000 Szolnok, Jubileum tér 1/a.
Comm. for Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship
Piazza Mercanzia 4, I-40125 Bologna
Development Centre of Thrace
102, Konstantinoupoleos St., GR-68200 Thrace
Equal Opportunities in Working Life
Hubert Patingre, Square Hymans, F-75015 Paris
Ergani Center Thessaloniki
Karavageli 1, 56625, Sykies, Thessaloniki, Greece
Federal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF)
Dr.Eveline Edle von Gässler-Heinemannstr. 2, Bundesmin. für Bildung und Forschung, D-53175 Bonn
Female Entrepreneur Advisers - T & E Centres
Maistraatinportti 2, P.O.Box 15, FIN-00241 Helsinki
Female Entrepreneurship Centre
Jean Paul Solaro, 14 rue Delambre, Paris Cedex 14, F-75682 Paris
Gendermainstreaming Regional Management Burgenland
Carmen Filz, Frauenbüro des Landes Burgenland, Markstra 3, A-7000 Eisenstadt
Instituto de la Mujer,Ministerio de Trabajo
Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales,C/ Condesa Venadito, 34, ES-28027 Madrid
KETHI - Research Centre for Gender Equality
KETHI - 2 Moussaiou Str., Plaka , GR-105 55, Athens
Longford Womens Centre
Ms.Tess Murphy, Ardnacassa Avenue, Longford
Network Ireland
Jacquie Hennessy , Network Ireland, Amberley, Riverside, IRL-Carrigaline Co. Cork,
Nutek - the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Nutek, Box 4044, 102 61 Stockholm
Programa de Apoyo Empresarial a las Mujeres
Condesa de Venadito 34, ES-28027 Madrid
Regional Committee for Equal Opportunities,Toscana
Via dei Pucci 4, IT-50122 Firenze
Supporting Female Entrepreneurship in Lazio Region
Dott.ssa Stefania De Luca, Via Cristoforo Colombo,212 ,IT-00147 Rome