Egyedek: 1 - 8
City of Kortrijk
Dhr.Frans Van Den Bossche,Kortrijk, Grote Markt 54, B-8500 Kortrijk
Green North Sea Docks
Prof.Walter Leal Filho, TuTech, Postfach 90 10 65, D-210 50 Hamburg
Interreg IIIB North Sea Programme
Jernbanegade 22, DK-8800 Viborg
North Sea Programme Interreg IIIB Secretariat - Region Västra Götaland
Hans-Åke Persson, Norra Hamngatan 14, S-405 44 Göteborg
RevitHar - Revitalisation of small harbour towns and cities
Municipality of Delfzijl, Johan van den Kornputplein 10,9930 PA, Holland
The Liveable City
Sophie Conroy, Norwich City Council,City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich NR2 1WP, UK
Martijn Warmerdam, Address Postbus 122, NL-9400 AC Assen, The Netherlands
Waterfront Communities
John Davies, City of Edinburg Council, 1 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1BJ

 City of Mölndal, Sweden
Lead Partner

Västra Götalandsregionen 

Drammen Region, Norway


TuTech, Hamburg-Harburg, Germany


Gemeenthe Enschede, Holland 


 Kortrijk, Belgium 


Matlock, UK


The University of Sheffield, UK