Hunyadi János

Hunyadi János

DE OEC Bőrgyógyászati Klinika, 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 98.

Látogatottság: 6625
Telefon: 52/442-204


M.D., 1967, University Medical School of Szeged, Hungary
Spec. in Derm. Ven., 1970, National Board for Certification
Spec. in Immunology, 1979, National Board for Certification
Spec. in Allergy, 1985, National Board for Certification

 Scientific title:
 C.Sc. (Ph.D.), 1983, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
 D.Sc., 1993, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

 Experience abroad:
 Amsterdam, Binnengasthuis, Dept. of Dermatology; 1974-1975
 Washington, Bethesda, Naval Medical Research Institute; 1979-1980
 Erlangen, Dept. of Dermatol. MTA-DEG Research Project; 1985

 President, Ger.-Hung. Dermatol. Soc.; Board Member, Eur. Immuno-Dermatol. Soc.; Board
 Member, Hung. Dermatol. Soc.; Board Member, Hung. Allerg. Clin. Immunol. Soc; Hung.
 Immunol. Soc.

 Editorial board:
 Bőrgyógyászati és Venerologiai Szemle. Allergológia és Klinikai Immunológia

Research activities (keywords):
dermatology, wound healing, allergology, tumor immunology, psoriasis, SCID
mouse, atopic dermatitis, melanoma malignum

 dermatologist, immunologist, allergologist

 Description of major fields of interest:
 Investigation of the different factors influencing the healing process of full-thickness human skin defects. Study of the skin immune system with special interest in human keratinocytes.

Selected publications/patents:


Hunyadi, J., Farkas, B., Bertényi, C.: Keratinocyte grafiting: A new means of transplantation for full-thickness wounds. J. Dermatol. Surg. Oncol., 14, 75-78, 1988.


Hunyadi, J., Simon, M.Jr., Dobozy, A.: Immune-associated markers of human keratinocytes. Immunol Lett., 31, 209-216, 1992.


Hunyadi, J., Simon, M.Jr., Kenderessy, Sz.A.: Expression of adhesion molecules and monocyte markers on cultured human keratinocytes. Eur. J. Dermatol., 2, 50-55, 1992.


Hunyadi, J., Simon, M.Jr.: Expression of monocyte/macrophage markers (CD13, CD4, CD68) on human keratinocytes in healthy and diseased skin. J. Derm., 20, 341-345, 1993.


Simon, M.Jr., Hunyadi, J.: Macrophage Markers 25F9 and 27E10 on human keratinocytes in normal and diseased skin. J. Derm., 20, 618-622, 1993.