Egyenlő esélyek

Esélyegyenlőség és helyi fejlődés

Nemek közötti esélyegyenlőség

Nők, tudomány és technológia

Province of Venice's Women Resources Centre against gender stereotypes
2006. november 10. 12:58

An action financed within the Equal "P.O.N.T.I." project and addressed to the province's high schools

2005. november 18. 10:20

The province of Venice forms a semicircle along the Adriatic Sea, from the source of the Tagliamento River to the North to the Adige in the South, for a coastline development of approx. 96 km.

"Work@active" a series of workshop for unemployed women on guidance and introduction to ICT
2006. június 28. 10:33

The Women Resources' Centre of the Province of Venice has started a series of specific acticions on the issue of Women, Unemployment and Information Technologies within the framework of the Equal Project named "PONTI".