Information Society

Title: Spatial Planning and Emerging Communication Technology in the Regions of Europe (SPECTRE)
Comissioned by: Interreg llC Project
Date: January 1999 -2001
CRESR Contact: Gordon E. Dabinett, Sheffield University

SPECTRE examines the ways in which spatial planning can develop appropriate policies and tools in response to development happening in information and communication technologies.

The NWMA SPECTRE project found that a common experience in all urban areas is the promotion of ICT and multi-media related ‘business clusters’. These measures were being used to develop ‘knowledge-based’ economies. The scope, scale and stage of development of these varied between diverse spatial areas. A key factor identified in their future success and achievement of global significance is to become networked with similar centres in other areas of Europe. This project seeks to promote this greater networking and good practice in areas using these measures to diversify or develop their spatial development.
The Objective of the project is to promote polycentric spatial development through the promotion of the knowledge economy. To create critical mass of activity within emer-ging ICT and multi-media business clusters in the regions of the NWE to realise the indigenous potential of areas undergoing economic restructuring. To promote shared assets by creating information linkages between research institutes. To promote shared assets by joint marketing initiatives between local economic actors.

The outtcomes of the project: Increased recognition of the transnational dimension of urban spatial development in NWE. Changed perceptions of key public and private sector actors and greater compatibility of spatial planning strategies and measures. A shift in the spatial development strategies of regions and cities so as to include a search for complementary functions and co-operative actions as well as competition. Improved capability to investigate transnational spatial development issues through more compatible and accessible information sources. New transnational networks and partnership arrangements. Increased investment and enterprise creation. Increased number of projects involved in transnational co-operation

Work is funded by EU INTERREG IIC in the North West Metropolitan Area programme.

Other partners in the 945,000 Euro two year project include

- the Dutch National Ministry (VROM)

- the Dutch regions of and Noord Holland

- consultancies from the Netherlands (TNO)

- and Germany (DLR and DiFU)