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Zsuzsannas, Zsuzsas, Zsuzsis ... girls, wives, ladies, women. Feminine, kind, graceful, just like what their name means, the lily. The lily, that symbolizes the human womb with its shape, thus it became the emblem of a health campaign that started last year and continues this year as well, at full steam. The campaign raises attention to the importance of cervix screening.

Four ladies, named Zsuzsanna joined this very important public health programme; the programme is organised by the National Public Health Authority and is sponsored by Lilly Hungary. The four Zsuzsannas represent different age brackets and different approaches, they undertook to encourage ladies to attend screening tests regularly and stay healthy.

The development of cervical cancer is a long process, it can be 7-10 years, but even in the worst case it is at least 5 years, therefore, if ladies attend a painless routine examination at least once per three years, the most serious problems can be avoided.

Zsuzsa Varga, singer: "I know it from a lot of young women that they are afraid of gynaecologists, they are reluctant to go to an examination for the first time. I'd like to encourage everyone to start seeing a gynaecologist from her twenties regularly, even if not for the cancer screening. This is a very simple examination, only a sample is taken, and then you can relax for a year or two. The examination is not painful and not uncomfortable. If I remember right, I went first when I was 17-18, naturally, I felt a mixture of curiosity and fear. But if you find the right gynaecologist with whom you can talk, from whom you dare ask - why wouldn't you - then you can establish a relationship of trust with your doctor. Now, I admit, I'm much more afraid of dentists than my gynaecologist. It is important to take care of yourself, not because it's a rule to follow, but because you feel much better if you do, if you rest enough, if you eat healthily, if everything is in order. Life is just better."

Zsuzsa Rácz, writer, journalist: "I was 26 when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, in an initial phase. I thought it was my moral duty to tell others how important it was to attend the screening tests. It is a big problem that women consider it an unpleasant examination. Not physically, but the fact that we have to undress in front of a stranger. This is an extremely intimate situation, not everyone is easy with it, even in my generation. My experience is that sometimes even the doctors are at a loss when it turns out that there is a problem. Although they have to tell you the truth, but they also have to tell you that this disease can be cured with very good results. It is very easy to find the symptoms, then it can be solved with a simple, more-or-less painful intervention that has practically no consequences. And it can really save lives, while it does not effect your whole life, you needn't change your lifestyle, it's a soluble thing. Now I can say that it was a turning point in my life, now I'm a professional consultant, I wrote a book, it was this disease and my recovery that started me out on a new way, of which I think that it is my way."

Zsuzsa Nyertes, actress: "I gave birth quite late, I was past 35, and before that I didn't like going to the gynaecologist's very much. You're soexposed when you have to spread in front of a stranger and they can just peep inside. But once a year, especially when you're past 40, it is your duty to go, not only because of yourself, but because of your children and family as well. Ever since I gave birth to Zsuzsó, I started taking better care of myself, for example I drive more carefully now. I also pay more attention to my health, I'd like to stay young and healthy to live the day when my grandchildren are born. We have time for everything, we rush and do our things and only stop when something hurts and when trouble rears its ugly head. Though it could be avoided with dedicating an hour a year to your health and having yourself examined."

Zsuzsi Mary, singer: "Sanding up for a good cause and helping a lot of people is a wonderful feeling. I think that health is the most important thing in life, it's a great truth. If I can only help one woman go to a screening test, because she heard that I would like her to, and because I'm going regularly too, and I can be a little example to her, than it was worth it. I am a country girl too, and I know that women there still haven't lost their shyness. Going to a gynaecologist, when I don't even have a problem - it was almost unthinkable before. Women always find an excuse when they don't want to go. Either because she's shy, or because she tells herself, God forbid, I'd rather not know it if there's a problem, because it would be even worse if I knew. Let's be a bit more selfish, let's love ourselves a bit more. Let's be a bit more important to ourselves. Don't always put your child, husband, cooking, training courses, etc. before yourself. There's always something to take away a mother's time. Let's put ourselves into the doctor's hands. Let's go and have ourselves examined, and after it let's be glad that we're healthy and happy."

