The North Sea Programme has just been approved!
The first Steering Committee, responsible for approving
and rejecting project applications, is proposed for Monday 22nd
April 2002 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The new programme for transnational spatial
development projects in the North Sea Region including all of Denmark and parts
of Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, the Flemish Region, the United Kingdom and
Norway. With an enlarged budget of 133 million Euro and the possibility of minor
infrastructure projects the IIIB programme will build on the success of the
Interreg IIC North Sea Programme.
The programme will be administered by the North Sea
Programme secretariat which will have an international staff of 10 people and is
based in Viborg, Denmark.
More information on the programme click here
Application pack - a draft material can be
ordered clicking here !
The Monitoring Committee will decide on the final version of the
application pack. (This is the reason why you cannot fill in the forms yet , but
you will
receive the final version of the application pack as soon as it is
Please remember that, if you wish to send in an application, you are
required to send it in both in a physical document (with signatures and letters
of commitment) and in a digital form.
Programme Complement
The draft of the Programme Complement is now
available here !
It contains information on the following subjects:
for the project applicant the most relevant information can be
found in chapter 3 on final beneficiaries,
chapter 4 describing the project selection
chapter 5 providing information on the activities, outputs and
impacts of the Measures of the programme
chapter 6 providing background information on the indicators
Particularly relevant for the administrative bodies involved in the
implementation of the programme are chapter 7 which gives an overview of the
publicity and communications strategy
chapter 8 on the computerised exchange of data between the
programme bodies and the European Commission and
chapter 9 giving the financial split of the Programme budget on
Measure level.
final version of the Programme Complement will become available right after the
first Monitoring Committee meeting.
Update of the project ideas
The first step in the development of an Interreg
IIIB project is the formulation of a project idea. In the first round of project
ideas starting in November 2000- the Secretariat received more than 360 project
ideas. They have been published on the website of the programme. The project
ideas which were submitted before June 2001 have been published in the project
idea book which was used at the Directoria in Aalborg in June 2001.
is now time to update these project ideas for a number of reasons.
Many plans have changed: some plans have developed in a different
direction, some plans have been dropped, some projects are now ready for
submission for the first Steering Committee.
2. A new project idea book will be made for the next
Directoria in Norwich in June 2002. This project idea book should only contain
project ideas that are still relevant.
3. Some of the project ideas submitted in the first
round clearly would not qualify as an Interreg IIIB project, for example because
they solely deal with a very local problem without any planned real
transnational co-operation. In other cases the theme of the project idea was not
compatible with the strategy and the themes in the
you submitted a project idea in the first round, you are kindly asked to
reconsider the form you submitted back then and see if it is still relevant for
partner search.
Directoria 2002 and other events
After the success of the 2001 Directoria in Aalborg, the
Secretariat and the 7 countries involved in the programme wish to continue the
positive experiences and hold a next partner search event in 2002. It will be
held on June the 19th 2002 in Norwich, England. More than previous
years the emphasis will be on project development and partner search. There are
limited places, so please book early and come prepared to work on your project
and transnational partnership.
Interreg IIC Project book available
The Projects book is a compendium of the projects that were funded
by the Interreg IIC North Sea Programme. The book reflects the effort put into
the projects and the enthusiasm shown by the participants. The book provides
information on the aim, activities and results of each individual project. This
can be of use for people who wish to find out more about these projects, but
also for those interested in building on the experience of a IIC project and for
people who will participate in a North Sea Programme project for the first
organisations and people interested in setting up a project in the new IIIB
programme this book will serve as a useful source of inspiration providing a
wealth of practical experiences and project information.
The Projects book can be ordered free of charge
here or
at the North Sea Region Programme homepage:
North Sea Programme
Interreg secretariat
Skottenborg 26
DK-8800 Viborg
phone: + 45 8727 1999
fax: + 45 8662 6862