Equal Opportunities in Research in Finland




 Women and men in seniour university posts (%)

Eurostat, Statistics in focus, Science and Technology, No 7/2001, ' Women public research and higher education in Europe ' 

(Senior university posts by ETAN-classificitation, 2000: professors, senior assistants) Statistics Finland: Science, Technology and Information Society
Ministry of Education

Source: KOTA Database

In Finland, measures have been taken to promote equal opportunity in all sectors of society. Women have been in a majority in university admissions since the 1970s. The number of women PhDs has constantly grown; in 2002 nearly 46% of new PhDs were women.

Similarly, the number of women in R&D posts has grown steadily. In 2001, about 32% of research personnel in general and 43% of university research personnel were women, and the proportion of women professors in Finland is the highest in the EU.