information request

Information request



We would like to promote a project about the reconciliation politics in Lecco.

In order to promote a social model encouraging the equal share of the responsibility in a family the following reconciliation policies are required:


a)     public policies

-         improvement of the quality of infancy services and promotion of new kinds of services

-         reorganization of city times and of the services in general

-         family policies


b)     contractual instruments

-         parental leaves

-         reorganization of the work times in the companies

-         ' family friendly'   measures in the company organization


c)     society culture

-     to make a couple aware of the need of a higher share in family and domestic responsibilities

-     actions for the promotion of the women's social role, 'education, political participation, career improvement'


We would like to know if 'transferable and adaptable' best practices can be found in your land as regards point.


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