'Knowledge makes people more positive !'
is the idea behind launching the new web-site by the Introductory Centre for citizens with foreign background in Drammen -declaired Elisabeth Holen, responsible for the activities of the centre that was opened in year 2001. She furthermore stressed that 17% of the citizens of Drammen come from other countries. 'By enabling Norwegians to learn more about other countries we believe we can increase their understainding for other cultures'.
The basic vision of the Introductory Centre is:
To give new immigrants an opportunity to participate in working life and social activities, thereby enabling them to become financially independent.
To create a positive environment for equality and lifelong learning
To help each individual to a more meaningful life.
The Adult Education Centre and a Speech Therapy Service Centre is since 1st of March 2006 also integrated into the activities of the Introductory Centre.
7 neighbouring cities around Drammen and 30 other municipalities in Norway buy services from the Introductory Centre. The centre has 70 diferent courses to offer and education is in 20 different languages. The centre has 80 employees and in the average 500-600 students/visitors per year.
The Introductory Centre has aroused great interest both nationally and from abroad for some on their innovative courses like:
introduction to the Norwegian society - in the mother tongue or the first language of the new citizens or
'Activity-Norwegian' - 'Aktivitetsnorsk' when the new citizens are supported to make a study visit to a bank or a labour market board and enabled to visit a footballsmatch, a movie, or make a bicycle tour for a subsidized price in order to more easily get accustomed to and involved in the new society.
For more information: Ms.Elizabeth Holen, tel:+ 47 32 217000