Hírek: 1 - 5
Biocat2006, September 3-7, 2006, Hamburg, Germany
2006. augusztus 4. 15:49
An International Forum for Industrial Biotechnology
2006. május 19. 18:34
In the course of the week the topics are biotechnology, medical technology, foodstuffs industry as well as career opportunities in the life sciences.
EUROPE-DAY in Hamburg
2006. május 17. 17:36
On Saturday, the 13th of May, especially many Hamburg Teenagers experienced the Variety and Liveliness of Europe.
BioTalk - New Online Discourse
2006. január 30. 12:30
In the Internet, Hamburg Youths are discussing Green Genetic Engineering
BIO-Europe Conference 2005
2005. november 6. 9:48
   The 11th annual conference is Europe's largest and most successful partnering conference in the field of biotechnology. The conference provides a forum where international decision makers in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and financial sector can meet to initiate or develop partnerships among their companies.