Információs társadalom, IST
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Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
2008. december 22. 10:47
THE WINNET Europe BOARD Wishes all Women Resource Centres in Europe aMERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.WINNET EUROPE BoardBritt-Marie S TorstenssonPresident.
UK government interim report proposing to start IT studies at the age of seven
2008. december 13. 19:11
                                             Sir Jim Rose has carried out an independent review of the Primary Curriculumin the UK and presented on the 8th of December an Interim Report. The report proposes that there should be more focus on IT from earlier in the school lives of children and includes recommendations for improved IT literacy and the start-up of teaching of IT modules between the age of seven and eleven.
Digital Solidarity Conference, 24th of November, Lyon 2008
2008. november 19. 18:43
On November 24th 2008, Lyon will be hosting an international conference on digital solidarity at the invitation of President Nicolas Sarkozy, on a proposal made by the President of Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, and under the French presidency of the European Union. Almost 300 personalities are expected, including several heads of state and government and leading members of territorial authorities, international organisations, NGOs, companies and foundations.
EU Commission calls for an all-inclusive digital society
2007. december 1. 21:34
"In today's society, access to information by all citizens is a right as well as a condition for prosperity. It is neither morally acceptable nor economically sustainable to leave millions of people behind, unable to use Information and Communications Technologies to their advantage" With today's initiative, the Commission reinforces its commitment to overcoming digital exclusion in Europe.
UNI Europa ICT Forum Ljubljana 26-28th of September 2007
2007. október 2. 23:54
UNI the global union for skills and services with 15 million members in 900 unions More women workers, more older workers, better skill and career  development and fairer treatment for migrant workers are union targets  that were debated at the UNI-Europa ICT conference, which wants to build  dialogue with employers to create a diverse workforce.Over three days in Ljubljana, Slovenia, unions from across Europe are  drawing up an action plan to change the face of the ICT workforce and  bring diversity to the industry.
European Commission policy Communication on e-skills proposing a long term e-skills agenda and five action lines at European level
2007. október 2. 23:09
On the 7th of  September 2007, the European Commission adopted a policy Communication on “e-Skills for the 21st Century: Fostering Competitiveness, Growth and Jobs” presenting a long term e-skills agenda and including five major action lines at the European level. It will be followed by a specific initiative on e-Inclusion in 2008.
ESBRIs nyhetsblad nr 3 2007
2007. május 28. 12:05
Det elektroniska nyhetsbrevet e-Entré ges ut av ESBRI - Institutet för entreprenörskaps- och småföretagsforskning. Syftet med e-Entré är att sprida forskningsbaserad kunskap om entreprenörskap, innovation och småföretag.
Konferens "OFFENTLIGA RUMMET" 29-31 maj Örebro
2007. április 24. 16:51
Konferens "Offentliga Rummet", 29-31 maj i Örebro Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting arrangerar i samverkan med Regeringskansliet, Verva och Vinnova konferensen "Offentliga Rummet",  som belyser hur den offentliga sektorn - statliga myndigheter, landsting och kommuner - kan vidga det offentliga rummet med hjälp av informations- och kommunikationsteknologi.Den 29-31 maj hålls årets konferens i Örebro för alla som är intresserade av den offentliga sektorns modernisering.
Följ den senaste utvecklingen inom IST och telekommunikation i juni i Thessaloniki
2002. január 15. 19:54
  IST Mobile & Wireless Telecommunications Summit 2002   The main objective of this annual conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of the results of the European and international research initiatives in mobile and personal communications systems including terrestrial and satellite-related systems and services. The Mobile / Wireless Communications has been one of the most dynamic sectors of activity on the emerging global information society.