Regionális fejlődés
Hírek: 1 - 20
WINNET Europe' delegation visits 3 Women Cooperatives in Northern Greece
2009. március 9. 16:33
Britt-Marie Torstensson and Popi Sourmaidou pay 3 very interesting visits to 3 women cooperatives. The Cooperative of Kostarazi village (Kastoria prefecture, Western Macedonia, Greece), the Cooperative named Voras from Arnissa (Pella prefecture, Central Macedonia, Greece) and the Cooperative named 'Bachovitises
Regional initiatives: EU fund makes connections
2007. december 6. 11:55
In the latest issue of the Financial Times Europe of 5 December, there is a special supplement called Doing Business in the North Sea Region. The North Sea Region Programme is mentioned several time and references are made to several projects.
Partnerssök inom programmet Intelligent Energi Europa
2007. december 6. 9:32
Hej,Lancashire County Council från Nordvästra England söker partners inom programmet Intelligent Energi Europa. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka och utveckla en koordinerad organisation för att optimera användningen av kommunala transporter för de med speciella behov och därigenom minimera den övergripande energikonsumtionen och öka rörligheten bland invånarna.
Positive evaluation and expressed desire to get involved in new projects with WRCs
2007. november 25. 23:50
The on-line evaluation of the Conference organized by WINNET Europe with the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Ministry for Enterprise, Energy and Communication and the Finnis Ministry of Interior, NUTEK and Nordregio  and sponsored also by SALAR, the County of Södermanland, Luleå University of Technology and NRC confirmed that the conference was very well received by the around 180 participants.A great majority of those who answered the questionnaire expressed their interest to get involved with WRCs in new projects:Read the detailed answers to the questionnaire: Nordic_Conference_evaluation.
Collaboration and innovation in focus at the Nordic Conference on Women's Entreprenuership and WRCs as key drivers of regional growth in Europe
2007. október 27. 6:11
189 participants from 16 European countries Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Åland and Gabon, Senegal and the USA, the European Commission and the Nordic Council participated on the 19th of October in Stockholm at the Nordic Conference on Women's Entrepreneurship with a Focus on Women's Resource Centres as Key Drivers of Regional Growth supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio, the Swedish Ministry of Entrepreneurship, Energy and Communications, NUTEK, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, the Finnish Ministry of Interior, the FEM project, Luleå University of Technology, the County Administrative Board of Södermanland and NRC - The Swedish National Federation of Resource Centres for Women.
180 participants from 18 countries, the EU and the Nordic Council to meet in Stockholm on the 19th of October to Discuss Women's Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
2007. október 14. 11:29
 180 participants from the European Commisssion and the Nordic Council, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland. Italy, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Åland, USA, Gabon, Senegal will discuss key issues realted to women's entrepreneurship and regional development and growth in Europe.
The programme of the Stockholm Conference in French
2007. szeptember 18. 14:48
The programme in french of the Nordic Conference on Women?s Entrepreneurship and Regional Development with a focus on Women?s Resource Centres (WRCs)on the 19th of October in Stokholm
The European Microfinance Network now also in Sweden
2007. szeptember 15. 9:34
 After many years of negotiations and networking the European Microfinance Network will be also established in Sweden, in Södermanland county to support women's entrepreneurship. The start-up in Sweden is a result of the steadfast work of NEEM - Network for Entrepreneurs from Ethnic Minorities and Joyce Kimwaga Lundin, the Chairwoman of NEEMThe decision was taken in connections with the visit of  Mr.
Sveriges första Microfinance kommer att ligga i Sörmland !
2007. szeptember 14. 18:27
Efter flera års arbete med att försöka få svenska banker att nappa på idén om mikrokrediter har resurscentret NEEM i Katrineholm, Flen och Vingåker nu fått löfte om stöd av European Microfinance Network, EMN. Deras konsult Manuel Moyart besökte NEEM i slutet av augusti och träffade även representanter för näringsdepartementet, NUTEK, Sörmlands länsstyrelse och regionförbund och dessutom potentiella mottagare av mikrokrediter.
Gender Pay Gap: a European report
2007. augusztus 30. 10:51
 On July 25th the European Commission has presented to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, a Communication titled "Tackling the pay gap between women and men". The report explains the meaning of gender pay gap specifying as there are considerable differences between the Member States in this regard: ita ranges  from 4% (MT) to 25% (EE, CY).
Final Conference in the FEM-project in Sigulda, Latvia
2007. július 31. 12:27
 Since August 2004 18 new resource centres for women have been established in the Eastern part of the Baltic Sea Region. 5 in Estonia, 6 i Latvia, 2 in Lithuania and 5 in the northern part of Poland.
Nordic Conference on Women's Entrepreneurship and Regional Development with a focus on WRCs
2007. július 4. 1:20
     Related themes:  Regional development and growth, gender equality, governance, competitivenessShort background  The European Regional Policy for the coming years envisages active agents responsible for shaping their own future. Many regions   are engaging in a process of image (re) creation in their efforts to   construct a ‘special’ identity.
Thanks to all VISP Partners
2007. június 6. 15:55
from Hamburg-Harburg
Den lilla kommunen som leverantör av sociala välfärdstjänster - framtidsperspektiv
2007. május 30. 15:13
Dalarnas forskningsråd inbjuder till seminarium den 15-16 januari 2007 i Tällberg Läs mer nedan
Gävleborg - en region?
2007. május 30. 15:11
Seminarium om att bryta fysiska och metala hinder i Bollnäs den 1 februari i
Arjeplog är den enda kommun i landet där fler kvinnor än män startar företag
2007. május 20. 0:04
  Den 7 mars 2007 informerade Niklas Jälén, Sveriges Radios korrespondent i Norrbotten om att enligt den senaste undersökningen av Svenskt näringsliv är Arjeplog i topp för kvinnoföretag.Näringslivschef Stefan Oscarsen är nöjd.
2007. május 15. 13:50
Citizens' Participation and Democratic Decision-Making in Europe. Online Discussion in Hamburg from May 29 until June 14, 2007, Topic is Spatial Planning and Urban Development of the Domplatz.
Nominera Sveriges bästa samverkanskommun och län/region när det gäller samverkan med RRC/LRC !
2007. május 14. 17:43
    Nu rankar projekt Lika Villkor i Södermanland Sveriges bästa samverkanskommun och län/region. Vinnaren presenteras på den nationella konferensen i Stockholm den 29 maj.
Resurscentra som drivkraft i regional utveckling och tillväxt - Presentationerna på den nationella konferensen i Stockholm den 10 maj
2007. május 13. 18:40
Regionala tillväxtaktörer och representanter för resurscentrum för kvinnor möttes på den nationella konferensen inom projektet Resurscentrum för kvinnor -legitimitet, kriterier och hållbar samhällsutveckling som ägde rum den 10 maj på Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms Län.Under dagen presenterades en dagsfärsk rapport när det gäller regeringens politik för regional tillväxt, konkurrenskraft, entreprenörskap och sysselsättning.
Transnational Cooperation
2007. május 10. 19:04
City Planners from Malmoe and Amsterdam visiting Hamburg-Harburg. International Building Exhibition Hamburg started first activities.