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EWL Newsflash October 2006
2006. október 30. 11:43
EWL Newsflash October 2006EditorialEWL General Assembly meeting in Prague – three new member organisations are welcomed, a new Board and Executive are electedThe 17th General Assembly (GA) of EWL took place in Prague on 21-22 October. Two new national co-ordinations, the Macedonian Women’s Lobby and the Women’s Network Croatia as well as the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) were welcomed unanimously into full membership of EWL.
Invited presentation on Centuri21 at London Colloquium
2002. január 30. 0:00
Colin Millar was invited to contribute a keynote presentation to the Annual Colloquium of the Institution of British Telecommunications Engineers (IBTE) in London on the 22nd November 2002. For his title, Colin chose "Creating Citizen Portals - the Activities of Project CENTURi21".