Hírek: 1 - 4
Study visit in Barletta
2005. május 31. 10:14
W.IN.NET.Exchange Visits
information request
2004. április 5. 14:01
Information request     We would like to promote a project about the reconciliation politics in Lecco.
EXPOELETTE - The first international Elected Women and Equal Opportunities Expo
2004. február 25. 16:55
  The Piedmont Council of Elected Women ( 'Consulta delle Elette del Piemonte' ) invites You to an international meeting in Turin ! The Piedmont Council of Elected Women, has been betwen 1996  and 2002 building up a 'network' of elected women in Piedmont. Their work has been  effective and it has led to both quantitative and qualitative results: the number of women administrators increased considerably and, in terms of quality their decision-making effectiveness and visibility improved.
New Economy , Women and Tourism
2003. október 18. 11:35
        Nell'ambito dell'iniziativa comunitaria Equal 'New Economy e Turismo: nuove competenze delle donne in rete'  la Fondazione CUOA del Veneto propone il corso: 'Donne Internet e Turismo. Competenze innovative sull'E-business' che inizierà il 24 novembre 2003 e si concluderà a marzo 2004.